Test knitting

I’ve started following designers, knitters, dyers, spinners, and other artists on Instagram this year, and they are constantly inspiring me. Following their Instagram also keeps me up to date on any test knitting opportunities. It’s my new favorite thing to do.

I’ve had the pleasure of doing two test knits for designer Morgan Capestrain of knitcraft & knittery. You can find her on Ravelry, on Etsy, and Instagram.

My first test knit was a little daunting, to be honest. I’ve knitted my fair share of hats, but never with fingering weight before. Worsted? Yes. Bulky? Yes. Fingering? No. I was afraid I would never finish it in time.

As with all my other projects, I started the Dúnedain Beanie and ended up having to frog and begin again because I couldn’t get the right size, and this after I had knitted about 3 inches of it already. Thankfully, my husband didn’t make any snide remarks about how I didn’t do any swatching. I started over and got to knitting.

I lovingly nickname this project “what doesn’t kill me makes me faster” because it’s true. My fear of fingering weight yarn for a hat did make me a faster knitter – I finished with plenty of time to spare, and I’m actually quite proud of the result. The delicate cables are lovely, it’s lightweight, and fits like a dream. It’s a great pattern with clearly written instructions.

My other test knit for Morgan was for the Mithrandir Beanie. This one went a little better since it was in my comfort range: worsted weight! Morgan’s inspiration for the Mithrandir Beanie is Gandalf, and I found a lovely green yarn in my stash that made me think of a young Gandalf. 😀

I also did the cables without a cable needle! One of the girls from my knitting group showed me her technique, and it’s amazing. Not having to pick up and put down a cable needle made this project go amazingly fast, and I do think that there’s a difference in the way that my cables look with this method.

I loved doing these two test knits for Morgan. I’m so glad to be part of the knitting community on Instagram and Ravelry.

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