April Roundup

When I started this blog, it was just a way to add more info about my crafting projects that might not be included in my Ravelry project page, but I feel like I’ve been doing a better job of adding info there so this has fallen by the wayside. It …

March roundup

Wow, how did it become April already?  I’ve been so lax about writing down details on my yarnie projects, but I guess I’ve just been too busy finishing one up and starting another. The cutest thing I made in March is definitely this adorable lovey. I made it just in time …

2017 Sock #2

Thank goodness for worsted weight socks! I didn’t think I could make a pair of socks in February, but here are my purple Rye socks by Tin Can Knits. It’s a well-written pattern with great step-by-step instructions and illustrations for cuff-down socks. A post shared by Joy D. (@knitandsundry) on …

2017 Sock #1

Hurray! Finally finished my first socks of 2017 which also happen to be for myself! I was going to add the first socks of January, but the month’s nearly over, and, let’s face it, I don’t knit that fast. The only reason these even got finished is because 1) they’re …

My first socks

When my husband and I spent a weekend in Galena, IL a few months ago, we stopped by FiberWild! Such a wonderful LYS; great selection, and the neighbor’s cat hung out there! Any store with a cat is an instant hit with me. I love yarn, but I wasn’t completely willing …