April Roundup

When I started this blog, it was just a way to add more info about my crafting projects that might not be included in my Ravelry project page, but I feel like I’ve been doing a better job of adding info there so this has fallen by the wayside. It …

March roundup

Wow, how did it become April already?  I’ve been so lax about writing down details on my yarnie projects, but I guess I’ve just been too busy finishing one up and starting another. The cutest thing I made in March is definitely this adorable lovey. I made it just in time …

Squee! Cuteness!

Coinciding with this week’s unseasonably warm (60 degrees!) weather, I worked diligently on the Flo Tank for a friend’s kid who’s turning 3 in March. I had other projects lined up and wanted to make sure I was managing my time properly. Thankfully, I was able to finish the tank …

2017 Sock #2

Thank goodness for worsted weight socks! I didn’t think I could make a pair of socks in February, but here are my purple Rye socks by Tin Can Knits. It’s a well-written pattern with great step-by-step instructions and illustrations for cuff-down socks. A post shared by Joy D. (@knitandsundry) on …

Working through some bugs

When I went in to get a benign intraductal papilloma removed surgically from my left breast about a week ago, I imagined that recovering from the surgery would involve rest and limited movement, maybe a little soreness. Actually, I didn’t even have any soreness. In fact, it feels deceptively okay, …

Test knitting

I’ve started following designers, knitters, dyers, spinners, and other artists on Instagram this year, and they are constantly inspiring me. Following their Instagram also keeps me up to date on any test knitting opportunities. It’s my new favorite thing to do. I’ve had the pleasure of doing two test knits …

2017 Sock #1

Hurray! Finally finished my first socks of 2017 which also happen to be for myself! I was going to add the first socks of January, but the month’s nearly over, and, let’s face it, I don’t knit that fast. The only reason these even got finished is because 1) they’re …

Gold and chevrons

I have absolutely no idea where I got this idea from, but I thought that as an Asian woman, yellow was not a good color for me. I thought it would make me look washed out or something. Surprisingly enough, a lady at my knitting group told me that I …