Braids and Berries Hat

After a week or so of unseasonably warm weather in the Chicago area (seriously, 60 degrees in February?), I finally finished my test knit of Braids and Berries Hat by Laura Dear of Black Crow Knits. A post shared by Joy D. (@knitandsundry) on Feb 28, 2017 at 7:24pm PST …

Convertible Mittens

After my first pair of mittens turned out to fit my husband better, I jealously started a new pair. I became overly ambitious and used to mash up some Fair Isle patterns I’d seen floating around on Pinterest, basically a zig-zag pattern, some spaced out “snowflakes”, a tree-like shape, …

Colorwork practice

So far I’ve been working with one color yarn only. I rarely even do stripes. But there are so many beautiful stranded projects I’ve been seeing on Ravelry lately, and I finally felt ready to tackle it. I knit Continental style, and I found a stranded video tutorial on YouTube …