Sock yarn acquisition

A few weekends ago, I stopped by my LYS (The Nook) and had a lovely chat with the lady working there. You can tell I usually don’t chat with anyone other than my husband and my cat with any regularity (or meet new people) because I forgot to catch her name. Whoops! She was so nice to talk to though and was super helpful.

She suggested some lovely sock yarn, located a helpful book with instructions for Kitchener’s Stitch, and directed me to the right circular needles for a blanket project I’ve got queued up. She even made me feel better about my colorwork. Apparently I’m not the only one who has issues with either tucking in floats in the back and having it show in the front or not doing that and having super long floats in the back.

I’ll definitely be back, but maybe after I’ve made 3 pairs of socks out of this new acquisition. My husband says my HiyaHiya Sharps are on their way so I can’t wait!

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