Squee! Cuteness!

Coinciding with this week’s unseasonably warm (60 degrees!) weather, I worked diligently on the Flo Tank for a friend’s kid who’s turning 3 in March. I had other projects lined up and wanted to make sure I was managing my time properly. Thankfully, I was able to finish the tank top with plenty of time to spare.

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I followed the instructions for Child Size 4 in the pattern. Shaping the body was pretty easy, and I was pretty excited to complete my first I-cord edging. I think that when I’m making the I-cord, the right-most stitch can get very loose so I will definitely have to scour the internet for tricks on making it tighter. I also had trouble trying to figure out where to pick up stitches for the bottom hem and under the arms. I wish the pattern included how many stitches to pick up; that would have made me feel more comfortable with the process. As it was, I kinda fudged it and hoped for the best.

I also made a white and pink flower to add to the front of the tank top. It makes the whole thing so much cuter, but it also hides my terrible job attaching the straps. 😀 I did the first two rounds of the Tropical Delight Flower which is great because it came out to be the perfect size with a great structure; not floppy at all.

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This project came together so easily and the outcome is so cute that I really want to make a tank top for myself!

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