Working through some bugs

When I went in to get a benign intraductal papilloma removed surgically from my left breast about a week ago, I imagined that recovering from the surgery would involve rest and limited movement, maybe a little soreness. Actually, I didn’t even have any soreness. In fact, it feels deceptively okay, like I could lift my 12 pound cat with my left arm.

What I did not account for was catching a bug that showed itself in the form of heavily congested sinuses, drippy nose, itchy throat, sneezing, coughing, and head-splitting headaches from said coughing. All things that I apparently cannot take any medicines for because of the surgery. I can’t even take solace in a nice steaming cup of ginger and lemon because ginger is a blood-thinner.

I’ve not slept properly for 6 days because of this cold/cough. I keep waking up every hour to blow my nose or cough out the stuff that’s been dripping down the back of my throat. I’ve gone through 4 boxes of Kleenex. I’ve never been so miserable.

On the other hand, I’ve started working on a shawl called Jorjamae by Patty Olson. It’s available on Ravelry for free, and there’s also a KAL going on for it. I couldn’t find any dk weight yarn that seemed suitable at either Jo-Ann or Michaels stores, and I didn’t get a chance to check out any LYS near me, so I went with a worsted weight yarn and adjust the number of CO stitches.

I thought I had done the math pretty well, but I have had to make adjustments to the Flower Lace section so that the pattern would be centered. Of course I realized this too late, and, in the process of trying to undo rows, I kept undoing and undoing it until I basically had to start over.

I recreated the Flower Lace chart in a Google Sheet, and now it’s going pretty well. I’m hoping to be able to catch up to everyone in the KAL and get it done by February 25th.

February 7 update:

I don’t think this yarn is correct for this pattern. It’s too dark, and it doesn’t show off the lovely lace patterns so I’m frogging this and doing something else with the yarn. I still want to make the shawl, but it’ll have to wait until I get my hands on the right yarn.

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