Gold and chevrons

I have absolutely no idea where I got this idea from, but I thought that as an Asian woman, yellow was not a good color for me. I thought it would make me look washed out or something. Surprisingly enough, a lady at my knitting group told me that I was an autumn and that I would look great in gold.

Here’s two hats that I made recently that I’m going to rock now that I know I can pull off this color. I didn’t mean for them both to feature chevrons, but they do! It was like a secret obsession that my brain latched on to.

I joined a Hat of the Month group on Ravelry, and this was their chosen pattern for January:

Oakenshield Beanie is a great pattern from Morgan Capestrain available on Ravelry. I love the squishy garter brim and the pattern that is created is wonderfully organic as my husband describes it – I added the adverb. Michaels’ Loops & Threads Impeccable can be a little hit or miss. This Gold colorway ended up being quite soft and squishy, perfectly suited to this hat.


Here’s a bonus photo of it in progress. Bear had to pose with it.

And I got to wear it out:


Accidentally continuing with the gold chevron theme: Tamarugo is a free pattern from Anna Hintikka, also on Ravelry. I used up the rest of the Loops & Threads Impeccable Gold for the hat. It’s an interesting method of slipping stitches and picking up the long bit of yarn to create a chevron effect. I actually followed the pattern exactly, finished the hat, wove in the ends, tried it on, and determined it was not a good slouchy hat for me. So I undid the decrease and removed an inch from the body, and redid the decrease. Fits much better!

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