2017 Craft Aspirations

It’s around this time that people set their resolutions for the new year, like exercising regularly, eating better, or laying off the swear words. I never make resolutions because I always fall flat on my face within a month, and there’s nothing more depressing than that to start a new year. So I generally strive to be a better person which seems to cover most bases and is just vague enough to make me feel like I accomplished something – like if I manage to leave the store without a pint of ice cream.

My crafting dreams are more lofty and ambitious, as evidenced by my growing Ravelry queue and Pinterest boards. There are so many things I want to learn and make, but here are some highlights for the year. If I get to these, it would be pretty amazing.

1. Knit a cardigan for myself

I have been lusting after so many cardigans on Ravelry such as Alicia Plummer’s Crosscountry or the Lillian Cardi by Carrie Bostick Hoge, and the Rocky Coast Cardigan by Hannah Fettig. Of course, there’s also the Portage sweater by Melissa Schaschwary for which there is a KAL; that should keep me on track to finishing it, although their deadlines are a little tight for a beginner like me.

2. Knit 7 socks

I still have not made any socks for myself, but I would like to change that this year and expand my knowledge of various heel constructions along the way. I’m gunning for 7 so I can have one for every day of the week. Since I’m all for instant gratification, I think I’ll start with ankle socks and work my way up to longer socks.

3. Knit and complete a blanket

Finally bit the bullet and bought enough Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick to make the pretty Westport Blanket by Fifty Four Ten Studio on Ravelry and also bought US 13 circulars. I just have to cast on and commit to doing a few rows a day so that hopefully it’ll be done by the end of the year. Complete is the operative word here since my husband wants it be large enough to cover our queen-sized bed; it’s going to be gigantic and will probably take ages.

4. Knit a sweater for my husband

Knitting for a guy seems tricky, especially since this will be my first sweater. I think that this Fort sweater by Jared Flood looks pretty cool, and I can imagine my husband looking dashing in it. He hasn’t seen it yet so maybe he won’t like it, but, c’mon, it’s got patches!

5. Knit a sweater for a friend

After my husband shared my burgeoning interest in knitting with some of his friends, I got a request for a sweater. I think I can use a basic sweater pattern like Katy Bank’s Knits for Everybody Sweater and then add a design on the chest. The design seems super complicated, but I did some research on how to turn an image into pixels and then into a knitting pattern/chart. The number of colors is a little daunting, but I imagine it could be done using Intarsia. I hope to make my husband’s sweater first so I can get comfortable with basic sweater construction and just focus my energies on the Intarsia.

6. Do not buy more yarn

Unless it’s for a specific project (see above). So, do not cave in to sales! Or: this resolution will last a week.

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