My first socks

When my husband and I spent a weekend in Galena, IL a few months ago, we stopped by FiberWild! Such a wonderful LYS; great selection, and the neighbor’s cat hung out there! Any store with a cat is an instant hit with me.

I love yarn, but I wasn’t completely willing to bankrupt myself. Luckily, they had some Juniper Moon Farm yarn on clearance, and I grabbed two skeins (oh the self-control!) with the thought of making a pair of socks.


Following the pattern in Knit Simple Knitting Workshops book for basic socks, I started on one. I wasn’t confident about doing short rows so I set it aside for a few days. After watching some videos, and several false starts, I finally got it. Of course, I realized I had made some mistake and had to undo again…all the way to the end of the cuff. Oh well, practice makes perfect.

Then I had to learn how to do the Kitchener stitch. Whew! That was a trial. I tried to follow the written instructions in the book; they were so confusing. I finally found a video that helped.

I’m so glad I only made the ankle sock version because I was so paranoid while knitting the other sock that my tension would somehow change and that they’d be different lengths. Gotta learn to do two socks at a time next!

I’m quite happy with how my first pair of socks turned out! Juniper Moon Farm Gabriella is an amazingly soft yarn, and I want to buy more of it. My husband says the socks fit perfectly; like he’s wearing nothing. He just can’t wear them on the wood floor in the kitchen; he ends up skating. He even threw the socks in the wash even though they’re hand wash only, and they came out okay. Next pair will be mine!

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  1. Pingback: Mittens, two at a time – Knit & Sundry

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